Pharmaceutical Marketing Ethics Commission supervises companies’ compliance with the Code of Ethics for Pharmaceutical Marketing governing pharmaceutical marketing and relations with health care professionals as well as relations between the pharmaceutical industry and patient organisations. The Commission ensures that pharmaceutical industry subjects and non-industry complaints are processed in the same manner, without regard to who has made the complaint.

The Pharmaceutical Marketing Ethics Committee is responsible for organizing the Commission’s activities, Supervision of the Code, including advice, comments and guidelines related to the applicability and improvement of the Code, analyzing the reports submitted regarding the breaches of the Code, imposition and enforcement of sanctions for the violations of the Code.

The Ethics Commission is elected for 2 years and consists of 8 members, including the Chairman of the Commission. The Commission is chaired by a person from outside the pharmaceutical sector and approved by IFPA and VGA by consensus. IFPA and VGA delegate 3 members each to the Commission.

Pharmaceutical Marketing Ethics Commission:


Žilvinas Kvietkus

Vice Chairman

Justinas Poderis


Mindaugas Grinevičius

Sandoz Pharmaceuticals d.d. Branch

Lina Grybytė – Tviragienė

UAB „Servier Pharma“

Audronė Jurkevičiūtė

SIA Novartis Baltics Lietuvos filialas

Milda Trakimienė

UAB „Teva Baltics”

Darius Staugaitis

UAB ,,Medochemie Lithuania“

Armen Manukian

UAB ,,Merck Sharp & Dohme“